Monday, June 4, 2012

Appeal to vote against the Energy Tax Prevention Act

  The Bill I chose is S.482 -- Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011. This bill would prevent the Environmental Protection agency form taxation and/or regulation of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. The passing of this bill would hinder the EPA from enforcing to reduction of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.  This Act would prevent specific gas emissions such as Water vapor, Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Sulfur hexafluoride, Hydrofluorocarbons, Perfluorocarbons from being considered “greenhouse gases” and would prevent the EPA from regulating their emissions, or from categorizing them as “greenhouse gases” in order for them to be regulated. Provisions include, no further implementation of the "Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards" and the "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles"( Both of these standards would enable the production of more fuel-efficient vehicles and would aid in the reduction of greenhouse gases. Major automobile manufacturers are in support of producing more energy efficient vehicles.
   This bill would also retract the implementation of renewable fuel program. The act would not allow “statutorily authorized federal research, development, and demonstration programs addressing climate change” ( Which would not allow any kind of government funding to aid in alternative fuel sources in order to reduce greenhouse gases in reference to concern over climate change.  The act would also not allow “implementation and enforcement of stratospheric ozone protection to the extent that such implementation or enforcement only involves class I or II substances” ( This means that there would be no allowance to enforce anything in relation to the depletion of the ozone. “Implementation and enforcement of requirements for monitoring and reporting of carbon dioxide emissions” ( would not be allowed to be  regulated in relation to climate change, or be referred to as “greenhouse gases” for the purpose of regulation.

Dear Senator Nelson,

  I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Crystal M Kuntz, and I am a resident of District 3. As my Representative I would like to ask you to oppose the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 (S.482). This Act would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in taxing and/or regulating purveyors of greenhouse gases. Greenhouses gases are thought to contribute to Climate change, and scientists are in the process of proving this well founded theory. Greenhouse gases are called so because they create an effect similar to that of a greenhouse. The atmosphere traps in heat on the surface like the walls and the ceiling do of a green house, creating a warmer climate with in.  The greenhouse gases themselves are not bad, in fact they are a necessary contributing factor to life on Earth. The negative effects come from an artificial overproduction of greenhouse gases on the surface. The effects of this, scientists predict, could be catastrophic, such as polar ice caps melting, sea levels rising, and coastal flooding. These dangers propose especially detrimental to our peninsula state, Florida.
   The US is currently in the top 20 countries of greenhouse gas emission producers, yet we have not ratified the United Nations KYOTO protocol. They Kyoto protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are both devoted to the reduction of green houses gases globally. As you may already know, the Clinton administration signed the protocol but it was not ratified. The Bush administration then rejected the protocol and did not participate in Kyoto-protocol related negotiations. 35 developed nations have already ratified the protocol, and we are falling behind. The US is currently being sued over their noncompliance in the reduction of greenhouse gases by several island nations, the state of California, and by environmental activists groups in America.
  I believe that opposing this bill is important. Although we have not ratified the Kyoto protocol you could start taking steps into the right direction, by not allowing this law to come to pass. We only have one world, one nation, and one human race. It is our duty to protect it. We also have an obligation to our fellow nations to not put them into harms way due to our own noncompliance issues. Allowing the EPA to tax companies based on greenhouse gas emissions will go a very long way in securing a future for our State, our Nation, and for generations to come. I implore you Representative Brown, when this bill comes to you, please consider what you have read here today and consider what may be at stake if this bill is not opposed.  I thank you for taking the time to allow me to show why this matter is of the upmost importance to me, and many others.

Crystal M Kuntz

Self Evaluation:

  I believe I did well on this assignment. It is very important to me that this bill not be aloud to be passed. I believe that our environment is precious and we should not be turning a blind eye to it in order to fuel a capitalistic agenda. By allowing constant pollution of our air and our world, we are dooming future generations to clean up after our mistakes. I wasn’t even aware that they were trying to pass this law. I was shocked that there is even consideration to oppose compliance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions when most of the developed nations in the world are complying.  I believe that this problem should be addresses, not suppressed. I have not received a response to my letter, I am hoping Sen Nelson will be on my side of opposition of the bill. I believe the senator will most likely be on the side of the head administrator of the EPA, Administrator Lisa Jackson, who also opposes this bill.
